Life & Leadership Coaching

For Free Thinkers, Freelancers, Production Industry Professionals, & Creatives Who Choose Non-Conventional Life Paths

Rosemar Coaching is for Creatives, Freelancers, Entertainment Industry Professionals, Film Makers, Designers, Artists, Writers, Production Leaders, Small Business Owners, and Executives who struggle with intense burnout, low energy, overly blocked calendars, and feel a lack of safety in their lives and careers.

Designed for Creatives by a Creative.

Hi, I’m Rachel

Have you had enough of faking it, burning the candle at both ends, hanging in there, and defining life by your project?

You have missed holidays and important life moments because of work. You question who you are outside of the business. Burnout is common. You wonder if you’ll ever make enough money or be able to retire. Creativity and freedom are your values, but you have no idea where they’ve gone.

I went from the extremes of traveling around the globe from gig to gig and living out of two suitcases to taking a corporate job and getting physically sick from the lack of creativity and hiding my authentic voice. I found more joy, space, and abundance when I figured out what lit me up and started saying “yes” to the things and clients I loved and “no” to every paycheck. The path wasn’t easy, but it was worth it.

There comes a point when the excitement and dedication to the job has faded, and the lifestyle isn’t working anymore. The logistics, deadlines, expectations, and obligations make you want to scream inside. You are proud of what you do but have a little voice inside saying, “Not This.”

You’re not stuck. Life is constantly changing and creating. Where you’ve been and where you are now is not a life sentence or your ever after. You can be the leader of your craft and your life.

I know you because I was right there, too. 

I Help My Clients Move From…

Burnout to
Fired Up

  • Have you felt busy for far too long and forgotten what lights your fire?

  • When you are done with an important project, you need to stare at a wall and you feel like you might never be excited again.

Uncertainty to

  • You don’t know where your next paycheck is coming from.

  • You have the highest high when you are on a project and the lowest low when it’s over.

Overwhelm to

  • Are you overwhelmed by life, work, mid-life, and responsibilities? You’re exhausted and need a break.

  • You feel like your calendar controls you instead of you being in control of your calendar

Fear of Failure to
A New Beginning

  • Do you feel stuck in your current reality, and making a shift feels impossible?

  • Do you crave something different but you don’t even know where to begin.

The creative world is hard because it feels like feast or famine, fight or flight, all or nothing. I had those swings for years before realizing it doesn’t have to be that way.

I can help.

You Can Find Freedom.
Just Ask my Daughter.

One evening, I was getting coached by my coach.  In the session, I had a grand epiphany.  My whole life, I had been looking for safety. However, because of my difficult childhood and life experience, I realized I didn’t even know what safety meant.

I walked down to the dinner table that night where my 4-year-old was having dinner and said, “Roslyn, can I ask you a question?” She said, “Sure, Mommy”.  I asked, “Do you know what safety means?” without hesitation, she said, “Of course, Mommy.  Safety means freedom.” 

Oh my, is she right!